At Berean we place a strong emphasis on our youth program to ensure that our teenagers desire to follow the Lord’s leading in their individual lives.
Whether it be the weekly Bible studies held in their youth room or upcoming opportunities about the church, we’re always seeking ways to encourage our young people in their walk with the Lord.
We enjoy ministering to children, and we have several ministries designed specifically for them.
- The children have their own Children’s Church during the morning message time, where they have their own lesson specifically tailored to their spiritual needs.
- Adjacent to the church building is our very large athletic field which is available for our children to use for volleyball, soccer, and other activities during most of the year.
- We also ensure that all of our children have a safe environment while they are participating in our church’s ministry.
Our teen ministry is focused on preparing our young people for life as Christians. They meet each Wednesday night during our Adult Bible Study.
We also host other enjoyable activities each month for our teens such as laser tag, skating, games on our popular athletic field, and afterglows at the church. We are currently developing a monthly youth night service as an opportunity for our teens to minister to our congregation.
With that purpose before us we plan our activities to be also opportunities to share God’s Word with our teens. And they respond to our efforts by seeking out genuine opportunities to serve in the ministry here at Berean.
Whether it be serving in the sound booth, giving testimonies, taking part in specials in music, or joining in with the adults during a work project, our young people are motivated to serve the Lord in every way possible.
The church youth group attends Camp CoBeAc most summers in northern Michigan. In addition to a host of outdoor activities to enjoy, our kids & teens have their hearts challenged throughout the week by a visiting evangelist and camp counselors.
Should you decide to visit us, you will find that our intent is not merely to “entertain” our young people but to prepare them practically for the work of the ministry by modeling service to them each week as dedicated believers. You will find that Berean has a great burden for its youth group and the decisions they make for Christ. We encourage you to find out for yourself!