Missionary Program at Berean Baptist Church
Berean Baptist has a long-standing commitment to carrying out the Great Commission left to us in Matthew 28. For many years the church has faithfully given to support fundamental missionaries on their respective fields. Currently, we support mission endeavors in Mexico, South America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, and the Middle East.
While we seek to support a number of missionaries with our financial support, we also endeavor to support them faithfully in prayer. We believe this to be crucial in the effectiveness of our adopted missionaries as they face numerous issues and obstacles in the gospel ministry. Each month we review current prayer letters from our missionaries, so that our members may pray more specifically for various needs.
When our missionaries return to the U.S. on their furloughs we seek to have them in to report first-hand the challenges that they are facing on their respective fields. It thrills our congregation to hear from these dedicated servants of the Lord as often as possible. To help us in praying for our missionaries we maintain a missionary table in our church lobby where their prayer cards and field information is available to view. A bulletin board is also posted with monthly prayer letters in our entrance lobby.Tag Heuer Replica
As we are financially able, we will consider supporting additional missionaries who meet our congregation’s approval. There are also other missionaries that we pray for faithfully, though we may not be able to support them financially.