Berean Baptist Church of Belleville, MI


DSC07996bAt Berean we seek to make several opportunities available to our adult members in both worship and fellowship. We endeavor to have classes each Sunday that meet the needs of our members in their individual Christian walks. We also strive to provide opportunities for our adult members to get together and have meaningful fellowship.

Our Sunday School program each Sunday is an opportunity for visitors to be introduced to our congregation individually as we divide up for the various classes offered.

DSC08013Additionally, we seek to have key times of fellowship together at our church facility, especially in our fellowship hall. During the summer season we enjoy fellowship outdoors with picnics held on our spacious grounds. Our adult members frequently meet outside the church for friendly get-togethers, whether in a restaurant enjoying a meal or sitting around a bonfire, enjoying s’mores!

Service opportunities abound for the adult members at Berean Baptist Church. Whether it be music, giving, visitation, teaching, or other related ministry, our members take an active part in making worship at BBC a fulfilling experience. We invite you to worship with us!replica Watch

Come and Visit!

Berean Baptist Church is located on Belleville Road in Belleville, just minutes from the communities of Canton, Ypsilanti, Romulus, and Interstates 94 and 275.

6889 Belleville Rd
Belleville, MI 48111

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